
Every night throughout my life Eurydice danced from the woods.
Her white sheer dress swam in the wind as she twirled in a hypnotic spin.


Each time I went to her and relaxed at a comfortable distance, waiting and hoping we’d connect.
Although we were the same age, she radiated youth and possessed an undying beauty.


Her eyes sparkled like the taste of wine and her skin glowed like the iridescence of an aquatic moon.
Her body was deceptively delicate as her pert breasts wisped on the edge of exposure.


Her aura exuded magic and her motion was a song.
Many times, I wanted to converse with her but I felt ghostly within the solicitude of her blissful dance.


The harmony in her smile made me want to shed my life and die in silent happiness with her.
But on that night, my emotions swelled and I sunk into the forest of my thoughts.


Was it the soft wave of her hands?
Was it the subtle difference in her rhythm?


Was it the cold in the air?
Was it time that I put her behind me?


I’ll never know.
But I knew our time together had come to an end.


A sweet softness pressed against my lips.
Her lips against mine shook me from the dark.


My dream embraced me and stared me deep in the eyes for only a brief moment.
As she swirled back into her dance, I heard her sing.


Forget me. Forget me. Never leave me, but forget me.
Learn to dance and we will dance together.


Art and Words by Oneiric Omnestar